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A community where entrepreneurs can grow together starring @KB and @Leahcim.

Don’t be a Slave to Your Business

Most entrepreneurs get into entrepreneurship for freedom and actually accomplish the complete opposite. They achieve working 24/7 with little to no results and becoming a slave to their business. Our goal of this episode is to let our fellow entrepreneurs know that it’s possible to run a successful business while still enjoying their life. #Entrepreneurhood

Connect with Leahcim and Kb over on the Entrepreneurhood Instagram @TheEntrepreneurhood

In this episode, we cover: 

  • Being too accessible
  • Not taking care of our health. Both mentally and physically
  • Losing quality time with our love ones


If you are in debt and you need help saving money. Use our link to get $5 and start saving with Digit. Our co-host KB paid off $10,000 of debt in one year because of Digit.

Digit app:

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Don’t be a Slave to Your Business