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A community where entrepreneurs can grow together starring @KB and @Leahcim.

Consistency Always Wins!

As entrepreneurs we know the importance of consistency but a very few are willing to put in the work to be consistent. We sometimes expect people to support us on day one or even after a couple months after we start a new company. However, in order to gain traction we forget that recognition is earned from the daily grind of building our brand over time.

Quote of day:
“You’re focused on the outcome rather than the process.”

Connect with Leahcim and Kb on the Entrepreneurhood Instagram or their personal pages.

In this episode, we cover:

  • You’ve already mentioned your business, so you think people should already know about it.
  • Not wanting to promote your business too much and seem annoying.
  • Wanting to be successful now and not having the patience for growth.


Do feel like you are doing all you can to grow your business but still need help?

Do you want more time back in your personal life AND still be able to drive results in your company?

Then your best move is to hire a virtual assistant just like KB and Leahcim. Their secret in keeping Entrepreneurhood consistent is they have help from their virtual assistant!

If you are ready to finally take some work load off your agenda and hire your first VA, click the link below!

Hire Your First Virtual Assistant: US Based Virtual Assistant

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Consistency Always Wins!